Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Competition Analysis

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How to conduct a Web site competitive analysis

Whether you are redesigning your website, or designing a new website, it is important to understand who you are going to be competing against. When the search engine returns the top results, you will need to differentiate your website from the competition. The best way to do this to conduct web competition analysis.

What to look for

There are number of ways of identifying your online competition. Depending on who carries out the analysis (or research) will influence what is looked at. It is important to get a rounded view on your competition so that all areas are looked at. This can include;

* Marketing

What messages are your competitors sending? What graphics and imagery are your competitors using? How are the pages presented to the user?

* Search engine optimisation

How many links do your competitors have? Where are the links coming from? How many pages of content are there?

* Website accessibility

How are the pages developed? What techniques have been used to make the web pages accessible? What colours are used on the page and are there any possible issues?

* Functionality

What features do your competitors websites have which are useful? How could these features be improved or refined?

* Content

How are the web pages put together? How is the navigation structured and labelled? Is it clear to the user how to navigate around the pages?

First things first

The first thing to realize is that a Web site competitive analysis is usually performed for a team of business specialists who know nothing about design, usability, or information architecture. They don’t have a clue about labeling systems, search ergonomics, or affordance. All they want to know is what the competition is doing and how they can do it better. Obviously, your expertise is in usability and user experience design, so you’ll be evaluating sites along the lines of your domain expertise, but the data you gather must always point toward making a smart business decision.

Next we’ll discuss who and what you’ll be analyzing.

Who’s the competition?

It’s very likely that you’ll be given a list of competitors. Every company that has a handle on their market space knows who the competition is.

What to analyze

Now that you have a list of competitors, you need to draw up a list of items to analyze when you visit their sites. I’ve developed a categorized list of items over the years, which are included below:

* Home page. How informative is the home page? Does it set the proper context for visitors? Is it just an annoying splash page with multimedia? How fast does it load?
* Navigation. Is the global navigation consistent from page to page? Do major sections have local navigation? Is it consistent?
* Site organization. Is the site organization intuitive and easy to understand?
* Links and labels. Are labels on section headers and content groupings easy to understand? Are links easy to distinguish from each other? Or are they ambiguous and uninformative (“click here” or “white paper”)? Are links spread out in documents, or gathered conveniently in sidebars or other groupings?
* Search and search results. Is the search engine easy to use? Are there basic and advanced search functions? What about search results? Are they organized and easy to understand? Do they give relevance weightings or provide context? Do the search results remind you what you searched for?
* Readability. Is the font easy to read? Are line lengths acceptable? Is the site easy to scan, with chunked information, or is it just solid blocks of text?
* Performance. Overall, do pages load slowly or quickly? Are graphics and applications like search and multimedia presentations optimized for easy Web viewing?
* Content. Is their sufficient depth and breadth of content offerings? Does the content seem to match the mission of the organization and the needs of the audience? Is the site developing its own content or syndicating other sources? Is there a good mix of in-depth material (detailed case studies, articles, and white papers) versus superficial content (press releases, marketing copy)?

A good competitive analysis not only produces usability metrics but also aids decision makers in their strategic goal-setting and planning.

Posted By vipinApril 28, 2020

SEO Benefits for Business

SEO and Its Benefits for Business

SEO optimization or search engine optimization is a fruitful activity which is meant to increase relevant online traffic to your website. Almost all online businesses are going for marketing strategy using SEO as the base. As the result of SEO optimization, a web business is placed on top organic listing rankings and this makes the businesses run high. This will automatically augment the quality traffic which will visit the business website. Usually every successful online marketing campaign comprises SEO, but it also includes paid advertising undertaken on popular search engines, setting up analytical programs, building superior and high quality websites, increasing prospective buyers through online enquiries and sales and much more.

There’s absolutely no doubt that SEO optimization is a time consuming activity, and you ought to be consistent with the activity all the time. You cannot just expect the activity to happen all by itself. Therefore, it becomes very important that you hire an experienced search engine optimization company to chart out an effective SEO optimization activity for your business. Here are some of the natural benefits that come with SEO optimization:

  • Hiring SEO services of experienced SEO company will give your business high quality traffic, and this would increase the number of potential visitors who are seriously searching about your products and services.
  • Hiring SEO marketing company will help you to increase the brand awareness as it will help you in creating rich international profile. SEO optimization will help your business in creating brand awareness for the new products and services by undertaking optimization of relative keywords and key phrases.
  • SEO optimization will keep your website and brand active online round the clock. Your brand will continue to remain active even when you are sleeping, or not online. This will give long term visibility to your business.
  • SEO Marketing will help in sales and making your products and services highlighted in the target market. SEO Marketing will also play significant role in creating new markets and the best part is that you do not have to actually make your presence felt traditionally.
  • SEO optimization will help in long term positioning of your brand and product. If you are running a service based business, then SEO optimization will give long term positioning to your service.
  • Unlike PPC advertising, with SEO Marketing, you do not have to pay for every visitor who comes to your website.

Posted By vipinApril 28, 2020

Affordable SEO Services

Affordable SEO Services Meant Only for Small Businesses

 Are you starting up a small online business adventure, or do you have plans chart out to expand your current business adventure? Whatever be the reason, SEO optimization is there for your help. SEO is affordable for your make your business reach to millions of audience out there on Internet. It will also help you to promote your business in terms of increasing visibility of your products and services to new and unseen markets in the manner where it will prove helpful for you. But, all of this can only happen if you hire a professional and affordable SEO company that not only provides you with cost effective SEO services but also with the type of services that your small business demands for achieving big business goals. When you search on Internet, you will find many Internet Marketing companies offering smart and innovative SEO services. Let’s take a review of all types of SEO services that you are likely to get from affordable SEO optimization company.

Keywords Research and Analysis – Keywords are the oxygen fro SEO activity, and a professional SEO company will help you in providing your business specific keywords. These business specific keywords are relevant to your business and they will be crawled by popular search engines when any user types in the search field.  Keyword research and analysis is an integral part of your online business activity and a professional SEO company that you ultimately choose should have good idea about the kind of keywords that will hit your products and promote them on Internet.

SEO Content Writing Services – After keyword research and analysis is done, the SEO optimization company will provide you with high quality content that will be posted in popular free article and blog marketing directories. This is necessary to get quality back links to your website. If you are not having good and quality content, it is likely that there will be no bank links which are directed to your website. This would eventually mean that your business has decreased visibility.

Generation of Authentic and Updated SEO Reports – The affordable SEO services provider will provide you updated SEO reports. By making careful analysis of SEO reports, it becomes clear about the keyword rankings and also the website traffic reports. Keep in your mind that you ask your company to provide only relevant SEO reports.

Are you ready to take the benefits of SEO services offered by Internet marketing company and take edge over your competitors? If yes, then you have to get started now, before, it becomes late for you to taste the success.

Posted By vipinApril 28, 2020

Benefits of SEO Services

Search engine optimization, whether it is in the form of Google SEO or SEO marketing has many benefits, which are utilized by small, medium and big enterprises to promote their businesses online and reach to audience across the globe. Here are some of the promising benefits of Google SEO.

Increases the Visibility – When you go for SEO optimization process, your primary aim is to increase the visibility of your business online. It is because when you increase the visibility of your products and services online, you have fair chances of getting quality traffic to your which is interested in buying your products and services. Further, increase in visibility of your business out there on Internet will give you impressive returns on your investments.

Cost Effective Way of Marketing Products and Services – Google SEO is a cost effective way to market your products and services and in quickest possible manner. Your business will be listed in right place and at right time. Unlike traditional marketing campaigns which are not only expensive but also time consuming, SEO marketing campaigns are pretty fast and cost effective. SEO campaigns will certainly not drill a hole in your pocket. These are achievable and will make your business stand at an upper edge than otherwise. What’s more, SEO optimization will also help you in creating authority for your business out there on Internet.

SEO Optimization is a Smart Way of Developing Brand Loyalty – The most important step in marketing your products whether online or traditional way is developing brand loyalty. Until and unless your brand has no loyalty associated with it, there’s absolutely no way in which you can promote the products online and increase profits thereof. Therefore, with the help of SEO optimization process, you have the opportunity to develop your brand loyalty.

SEO Helps in Augmenting Your Website Ranking – When you are opting for Google SEO, you are aiming to increase the ranking of your website on Internet. In this manner, you are fighting with your online competitors to have good business activity. Increasing your website ranking will help you in getting quality traffic and it would mean that your online business profits are ready to soar as you are likely to get high conversion rates.

SEO Helps in Online Business Promotion – When you go for any online business promotion, then SEO is the best way to start with. It will introduce your new product line in the competitive market, which is otherwise far difficult to achieve using traditional marketing mechanism.

Posted By vipinApril 28, 2020

Content Writing in SEO

Are you puzzled with the question… what is content writing? Well, then it is all about writing for Internet and designing Learning modules. Content writing is as tolling as the world of Internet.

Well, the real splurge to Content writing came with the emergence of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and the innate desire for every website to be ranked higher and higher over the Internet. You’d know more on SEO in later chapters. Mobiles, Computers, Laptops, Notebooks, Medicines, Pharmaceuticals, etc. there are websites for every domain running over Internet, and there’s content for everything. The companies who are either directly or indirectly engaged in SEO optimization need content to drive the hungry Google as well as many other popular search engines. It is content which rules rather than SEO or Bots.

Whether it is world of SEO marketing, or SEO optimization in general, the role of content will always remain there, and no technology can ever challenge the role. No matter what technology comes in, or what technology goes out of frame, content will rule. Therefore, the very significance of content cannot be undermined anyways. Either it is launch of small product, or increasing the online visibility of present line of products, there’s always need of SEO to start the things in a professional way. Here again, you just cannot underestimate the role of content. The strategy of Internet marketing itself begins from content and ultimately it leads to content. The whole story swivels around content.

If we have talked of the very importance of content for SEO optimization, then it becomes important to mention straight away that only quality content will do the quality work. If the quality of content is not good, simply forget about the possibilities of increasing your on-line business prospects. You would never ever be having good business prospects.

Another important significance of having crispy content by your side is that you will be able to impress Google SEO engine. A fresh and crispy content is liked by smart Google crawlers and they will crawl on your content. If your content is not good or it has flaws, then the Google SEO crawlers will not come to your content, and as the result you will be in total shams.

 The gist is that SEO optimization doesn’t works if you are not having good and quality content. Make sure that you hire an experienced content writer to do the job.

Posted By vipinApril 28, 2020

PPC Checklist for Pay-per-Click Campaigns

PPC Management campaigns an instant way of reaching out to your target audience.

• Always use more targeted relevant and long tail keywords describe your content.
• Don’t try to overbid for the #1 Spot or its competitors
• Geographical Targeting nor too Broad nor too Narrow.
• Use keyword in the PPC ad text. (such as “buy,” “sell,” or “sign up”)
• Use a strong call-to-action in ads
• Point ads to most relevant landing pages for higher Conversion
• Don’t send your PPC traffic for specific product or service to your homepage
• Analysis Quality Score ( Improved campaign’s performance with quality scores)
• Add Brand Name in Keywords – Bid on brand / company name.
• Target PPC advertising to specific times of the day.
• Create enough Ads in each Ad Groups.
• Make it relevant to “today”. Ad should always include a targeted seasonal offer or a “holiday special”.
• Set up tracking for every visit to your site from PPC advertising.
• Select good website Networks.
• Using Negative Keywords.
• Bidding on Your Brand Name.
• Bidding on Misspellings of your Brand Name.

Vipin Kumar – Best ROI from PPC get most complete Pay per Click (PPC) campaign management at an affordable price.

Posted By vipinApril 28, 2020

Basic SEO Tips to Improving ranking Effectiveness

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Vipin Kumar Digital Specialise in  internet marketing helping local business owners with their Search Engine Optimization services. There are galore of search engines but only Google bring you most of the traffic. Here are some good Search Engine Optimization quick tips & recommendations. Search Engine Optimization increase website’s appearance in search results and generate more traffic to your site.  Check out our basic tips for Search Engine Optimization.

Basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies and tactics Tips to Increase Website Traffic

  • Domain name should keyword rich
  • Create unique titles or a compelling string of Key phrase that are relevant to page and do not keyword stuff.
  • Use well-written and unique content that will focus on your primary keyword or keyword phrase.
  • Make back links within your site use your keyword & key phrase.
  • Use keywords and keyword phrases in text links and even file name.
  • Always link back to your domain. Trench the default.php or index.html or any the similar page.
  • Fixing canonical issues – www to the non-www version domains. Make up one’s mind which you want to use and 301 redirect the other to.
  • Avoid use Frames at all and use Flash and AJAX meagerly for best Search Engine Optimization results.
  • It doesn’t matter what the URL file extension, any URL extension is okay (.html, .htm, .asp, .php, etc.)
  • Use relevant keyword(s) in URL
  • Make good hypertext-matching & hyperlinks to its web pages
  • Add new, useful content to website on a regular basis. Fresh content help to improve rankings.
  • Don’t use pop-ups
  • Use lower limit amount of images
  • Make minimum outbound links to bad (PR 0) indexes
  • Minimizes HTML byte amount
  • Make images’ byte sizes are smaller than normal
  • Home page hyperlinks to site map
  • Use alt tag for Images
  • Build a natural network of quality back links using your keyword phrase as the link.
  • Use anchor text links navigation links are within, above or on left of main content table row & column
  • Large font content headings
  • Validates its HTML
  • Bold some keywords & key phrase in content
  • Hyperlinks have a title tag if required
  • Surround the link with descriptive text.
  • Link baiting is simply good content. Make them something to express about.
  • Use keyword rich captions with images.
  • Use good text & content arounding images & headings.
  • Use viral components on web site or blog – reviews, sharing functions, ratings, visitor comments, etc.

Posted By vipinApril 28, 2020

Results-Based SEO Services Company Noida Delhi NCR – Guaranteed Top 10 Rankings

Looking SEO Companies in Delhi? Vipin kumar digital Solution is Google Certified SEO Company in Delhi Guaranteed 1st Page Google Rank. We have a team of Google certified & highly skilled SEO specialists who increase Your Web Traffic with higher rankings for Google, Yahoo, MSN and local search engines pages with Lowest possible price & time!

What More we can do for you in Our SEO Services
  • We can increase number of daily visitors to your website
  • We can increase Quality of Visitors
  • We can find Right Keywords For Your Businesses Website
  • Result –Based Reporting – At the end of each month

We Increase quality of visitor traffic to the website and reach Targets

Thousands of SEO companies providing various SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) services in Delhibut Why Vipin Kumar ? we have the  experience skills to get to the top of Google first page (Top 10). Only results driven SEO Company based in Mumbai. Getting Top 10 Position in Search Engines to drive more quality of visitor traffic to the website who are actively searching for your products or services on search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. We are one of the fastest growing company in Delhi started in 2010.

Our Delhi SEO Service Includes

Competitor & Market Analysis

Onsite SEO – SEO Content and Structure
Offsite SEO – Comprehensive Link  Strategy
Copywriting Tips for Improved Link Building
Pay-Per-Click – Specializing in Google Adwords and Facebook Ads
Social Media Optimization and Marketing
Local SEO Services
Conversion Rate Optimization Website

Posted By vipinApril 28, 2020