Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Google Update on Mobile First Indexing

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Today, most people are searching on Google using a mobile device. However, our ranking systems still typically look at the desktop version of a page’s content to evaluate its relevance to the user. This can cause issues when the mobile page has less content than the desktop page because our algorithms are not evaluating the actual page that is seen by a mobile searcher.
To make our results more useful, we’ve begun experiments to make our index mobile-first. Although our search index will continue to be a single index of websites and apps, our algorithms will eventually primarily use the mobile version of a site’s content to rank pages from that site, to understand structured data, and to show snippets from those pages in our results. Of course, while our index will be built from mobile documents, we're going to continue to build a great search experience for all users, whether they come from mobile or desktop devices.
We understand this is an important shift in our indexing and it’s one we take seriously. We’ll continue to carefully experiment over the coming months on a small scale and we’ll ramp up this change when we’re confident that we have a great user experience. Though we’re only beginning this process, here are a few recommendations to help webmasters prepare as we move towards a more mobile-focused index.
  • If you have a responsive site or a dynamic serving site where the primary content and markup is equivalent across mobile and desktop, you shouldn’t have to change anything.
  • If you have a site configuration where the primary content and markup is different across mobile and desktop, you should consider making some changes to your site.
    • Make sure to serve structured markup for both the desktop and mobile version.

      Sites can verify the equivalence of their structured markup across desktop and mobile by typing the URLs of both versions into the Structured Data Testing Tool and comparing the output.

      When adding structured data to a mobile site, avoid adding large amounts of markup that isn’t relevant to the specific information content of each document.
    • Use the robots.txt testing tool to verify that your mobile version is accessible to Googlebot.
    • Sites do not have to make changes to their canonical links; we’ll continue to use these links as guides to serve the appropriate results to a user searching on desktop or mobile.
  • If you are a site owner who has only verified their desktop site in Search Console, please add and verify your mobile version.
  • If you only have a desktop site, we'll continue to index your desktop site just fine, even if we're using a mobile user agent to view your site.

    If you are building a mobile version of your site, keep in mind that a functional desktop-oriented site can be better than a broken or incomplete mobile version of the site. It's better for you to build up your mobile site and launch it when ready.  
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the Webmaster forums or our public events. We anticipate this change will take some time and we’ll update you as we make progress on migrating our systems.

Switch date: December 11, 2018

Posted By vipinNovember 27, 2019

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Quora Marketing Strategy for Growth Own Business

What is Quora?

Quora is a social network for asking questions and writing answers for any subject. It also helps in social networking, branding, and promotions. It’s a knowledge hub ready to share among millions of people connected to it. Quora marketing is of the most effective and widely used strategy in Social Media Marketing.

According to its tagline, it is a place to share knowledge and to understand the world more effectively. In Quora, we can find people from all industries, positions, and geographies.

Interesting Quora Statistics 2019

300 Million active users per month
1 Million+ questions added every month
1 Million+ answers added every month
It ranks on top search positions for 3 million+ keywords in search engines
It has more than 5,00,000 topics

Why is Quora used in Digital Marketing?

Quora is one of the best mediums for Digital marketing. It is mainly due to the following reasons:

Easy-to-use: It’s a simple platform to learn for any age group users. It doesn’t need any extra knowledge to use for yourself.

Provides knowledge: It helps to get knowledge of your targeted population and their problems or issues faced due to your product or services.

Ranking in Search: Quora answers are ranked on top positions of search engines providing a high reach for good answers

Brand Authority: These types of huge platforms facilitate significant recognition necessary for marketing purposes. Most popular Quorans are recognized globally as Industry or Brand Authority in their respective subjects.

Generate Traffic & Leads: By answering questions about your related topics you can generate traffic & leads to your website.

Connections: With more than 300 millions active users globally, Quora is a platform to build connections with related people in your industry.

Wide Range of Topics: It has a diverse range of subject matter. Around half a million topics are covered on this website.

How to use Quora for Marketing?

To start your journey on Quora you must choose which type of account best suits requirements for your business.

Steps to Get Started on Quora

Step 1: Create your Quora Account

When you visit you have 3 options to create your new account. You can use any of the methods, but it’s recommended to use the 3rd option for creating business accounts.

Quora offers 2 types of accounts:

Personal Quora Account (Individual accounts)
Business Quora Account (Company & business accounts)

Create an account with Facebook
Create an account with Google
Use your Own Email (Best for Business)
Step 2: Follow the Topics of your interest

You must follow at least 5-10 topics based on your interests or business topics for business account. More topics will help in expanding the reach of your answers.

Step 3: Create an Attractive Profile

The profile is the most important part of your Quora account. People can know about you from your profile, so make sure to include about yourself (company), your specialization, giving links to your website, social media profiles will be very useful in generating traffic & leads. You must use an attractive credential related to your business.

Step 4: Follow People on Quora

As a part of the process, its recommended to follow people from your industry and popular Quorans to start your engagement on the network.

Step 5: Use Quora Strategies

Based on your business goals you can use the below strategies to use Quora for marketing.

Quora Marketing Strategies 2019
There are various tools and facilities provided by this site which directly helps to boost marketing. In Quora, we can follow a simple approach and build our authority and develop a long term traffic stream. We should always focus on helping users who ask questions. This will automatically help you in generating value on the platform.

Our Quora Marketing Approach
Write > Engage > Promote > Convert

  • Best Quora Marketing Strategies
  • Brand Authority  & Awareness
  • Search Ranking with Quora
  • Content Marketing Strategies
  • Paid Advertising with Quora

How to use Quora for Branding & Authority?

Quora can help you build your brand visibility and authority by writing high-quality answers related to your niche. Many Quorans were able to leverage this network to build their business. People recognize you and your brand when you are a specialist in your subject.

How to use Quora for SEO?

In this strategy, our goal is to rank on Google search using Quora Answers. To achieve this find the keywords for which ranks on top 10 positions. Once all the relevant questions are identified we can write relevant answers under each question to rank our answer in search engines.

Content Marketing with Quora

Quora is a vast network with millions of questions about every topic. We can use Quora to understand user demand and design our content strategy accordingly. Our content team can plan many new articles as per our niche by using Quora.

Quora Spaces

Spaces allow people to join specific spaces of their interests. After joining you can share various types of content like links, photos, post, etc, which are visible to everyone.

We can create our own spaces or join existing spaces to get updates and participate with engagement with others.

How to use Spaces in Quora?

Login to your Quora accounts and click on Spaces from the top menu.
Find the most relevant group and join the groups
Regularly check the articles and engagement with users.

Quora Paid Promotions:

A few years back, Quora launched its advertising platform for everyone to use and take advantage of it. It offers the following objectives

  • Brand Awareness
  • Traffic & Conversions
  • App Installs
  • Promoted Answers

This facility is provided to promote your product or service. These can be in the form of texts or pictures. By enabling Quora ads, you are ensuring the extension of message to a major portion of users. There are high chances of considering your product every time they see your add.

There are few steps you have to follow to enable quora ads. These steps are as follows:

  • Login your quora account and go to account section.
  • Visit the ‘manage ads’ portion in your quora account.
  • Now you see “create campaign”. Clicking on it takes to a form you have to fill.
  • After filling this form and setting a budget you’ll be directed to another form.
  • This form is to create an ad set. Fill the form carefully and set a bid (cost per click). Click on “Continue”.
  • The page will open naming ” create an ad”. Write all of the content of the ad you want to publish.
  • Now you’re subjected to “Add a payment”. After completing the payment your campaign is ready to run.
  • Regularly monitor your Quora reports improving the campaign.

As we see from our above strategies learned, Quora is a highly valuable social network to help you increase business and create brand visibility. If you start today, you will have a First-Mover advantage in your niche. Go ahead and share your queries in comments below.

Posted By vipinNovember 24, 2019

Google Analytics Interview Questions & Answers

What is Google Analytics and main purpose of Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a web analytics software used to track the traffic on the website. The major purpose of analytics is to analyse the information about the site and make decisions to improve the site traffic and revenue.

What is meant by conversions and how will you track conversions through GA?

Conversions happens when any predefined goals are accomplished thereby generating ROI to the business. In other words if the user take any desired action on the site, its considered as conversion. For example filling the form, purchasing a product etc. We use Goals in Analytics to set the conversion tracking.

What is a session?

If a user visits a website the session is started, the session can last for 30 minutes if no activity is done. A new session is started in analytics if your source is changed. For example if a user visits from organic results, one session is started and same user open a same site from PPC, then next session is started.

What is meant by KPI in Analytics?

KPI means Key Performance Indicators. These metrics helps the business to analyse their websites based on the business objective. Example of KPI: Users, Sessions, Avg Time, Bounce Rate, Conversion rate etc.

What are segments in Analytics?

Segments are used to define the subset of data in overall data. For example we can create a segment for organic, paid traffic etc.
Can the data change once Google analytics has processed the data ?
No, it cannot change.

What are events in Google Analytics

Events are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently from a web page or a screen load. we can create custom events to track downloads, play buttons and ajax load etc.
What are goals and how many goals can we create in analytics?
A goal defines a completed user activity, called a conversion, that contributes to the success of your business. We can have only 20 goals per one web property

What is benchmarking?

This metric helps us to compare our data with the market aggregated data from relevant industry who share the data anonymously.

What is Bounce Rate?

The percentage of users who leave the website without visiting any other page is bounce rate. Higher bounce rate is very negative for website, as users are not showing interest in the site.
What is the optimal bounce rate for website ?
A good bounce rate is around 30% for websites.

What is Funnel in Goals ?

Series of pages which are expected to be accessed to reach the destination page to complete the goal is defined as funnel. For example a e-commerce website funnel will be like.
Add to Cart => Signin/Singup => Add Address => Make Payment => Thankyou Page.
Can we delete the goals after created them in Google Analytics?
No, we cannot delete the goal. But we can stop recording the goal by disabling the goal.

What are custom Events in Google Analytics

To track the changes in a specific metric, we can set parameters which can trigger and custom event is created.

What is mean by Users in Analytics?

It defines the users who have visited the site at least one time in given time frame.

What is meant by Cohert Reports ?

A cohort is a group of users who share a common characteristic that is identified in this report by an Analytics dimension.

What is use of Acquisition Reports ?

We can analyse the source of our traffic to the website. Ex: Organic, PPC, social etc.

What is “Not Provided” data in Keyword Reports?

The keywords data which is blocked by Google and will not show in Analytics reports. Most of the website are unable to find the exact keywords for which a conversion was happened.

What is meant by Experiments?

Experiments tool is used to measure the results of campaigns with different design/view. It is also called as A/B testing.

What is attribution in Google Analytics

An attribution model is the rule, or set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and conversions is assigned to touch points in conversion paths. In other words the attribution can help us to know the proper touch points in the funnel.

What is Realtime data in Analytics

With this tool we can analyse the present traffic on the site.
Can we separate the users based on devices ?
Yes we can segment the data based on devices.  Under audience reports we can analyse this data.
Can we track Google Adsense data in Google Analytics?
Yes using Publisher tab we can connect our Google Adsense with Google Analytics

What is Exit rate in Analytics?

For all pageviews to the page, Exit Rate is the percentage that were the last in the session. Which means we can analyse the % of users who left the site from particular page.

What is meant by Average Load Time?

The avg. amount of the time taken by the website to load it in the browser. The website must be loaded as fast possible for quick loading.
In analytics reports we can sometimes get a lot of spam data from spam sources/domains, how to deal with this issue?
We can set the filters to avoid all this data from spam sources/domains.

Posted By vipinNovember 24, 2019

Google Adwords (PPC) Interview Questions & Answers

Q1- What do you understand by Adwords?

Ans: Google designed Adwords with an aim to assist in marketing products or services in a search and its affiliated sites.

It places a text ad when people search for phrase associated with your offering.

Q2- Why are we using Google Adwords?

Ans: The traffic that comes through the google Adwords or PPC ads is dealt differently. The organic traffic that comes through the organic search often visits for more information, Whereas the traffic that comes through Google Adwords or PPC Ads knows that what they are clicking on and what they want to buy.

Therefore the visitors that comes through Google Adwords might be valuable than the organic traffic.

Q3- Explain the working of Adwords?

Ans: Google Adwords works on a bidding system, If your bidding is higher, your ad will appear on the top of google page.

Working on “Pay Per Click Model“, You only pay that amount you have bid if someone taps on your ad that appear on Google search engine result pages.

Q4- What is the meaning of Ad Rank?

Ans: AdRank decides the position of your ads on the google page. This is determined by your bid for that quality score and keywords.

Q5- What is the possible impact of Ad Rank on Cost Per Click?

Ans: Ad Rank defines the actual cost per click that your opponents pay when someone click on their ads.

The CPC can be calculated as price by you = The Ad Rank of the person below you / Your quality score + 0.01

Q6- What is Quality Score in Adwords?

Ans: Google’s quality score determine the value of ads and keyword relevancy to the user on the basis of the quality of your landing page, keyword relevancy, and Ads CTR. Good quality score keywords will save your money and get better ad ranking.

Q7- What Is CTR?

Ans: Click Through Rate tells the number of visitors visited on your ad on the web page. The simple formula to calculate CTR is:

CTR = Clicks / Impressions x 100

The result will come in the percentage that will show you the percentage of visitors visited on your ad.

Q8- Explain the working of Google Auction?

Ans: An auction runs billions of time each month and the results such are that users find relevant what they are looking for. Google process the request and runs auction the determines the Ad Rank and CPC of each advertiser.

Q9- Do you know what an ad group is in Google Adwords?

Ans: Ad group is a container which contains your landing pages, ads, and keywords. Google rewards to those advertisers who prepared AdWords campaigns with tightly structured ad groups.

Adding all keywords into one ad group is not advisable rather it better to organize keywords into the themes.

Q10- What is the role of conversion optimizer in Adwords?

Ans: Conversion optimizer is a tool used by google AdWords for a bid manipulation and decides which click on an ad will be more valuable. this helps you get maximum on your investment.

  • Steps To Find Conversion Optimizer
  • Step 1: Click On Campaigns and choose any campaign
  • Step 2: Choose settings under selected campaign.
  • Step 3: Under setting, you need to choose bid strategy.
  • Step 4: Under Bid Strategy, yo will find “start with recommended bid “option, choose it and save.
  • Watch This Video For Help:
  • Video Courtesy: AdHawk Digital Marketing Agency

Q11- How can you improve conversion rate?

Ans: To target right user to your campaign for boosting conversions, One has to create ads that match properly with the keywords and create tightly themed ad groups.

Q12- What are Ad Extensions in Google Adwords?

Ans: Ad extension means you are adding extra pieces of information about the business to your ads, you’re giving customers more reasons to click.

There is two type of extensions:

1- Manual Extension

  • Apps
  • Calls
  • Locations
  • Reviews
  • Sitelinks
  • Callouts

2- Automated Extension

  • Consumer ratings
  • Previous visits
  • Seller ratings
  • Dynamic site link extensions
  • Dynamic structured snippets

Q 14: What types of keywords are there?

Ans: There is no definite type of keywords, however, they are classified on the basis of how likely is going to be clicked by visitors.

For instance,

  • Research Keywords: dress
  • Consideration: white dress
  • Purchase: buy white dress
  • Loyalty: This must be shorter – Forever21

Q 15: What do you understand by Google Ad API? What are the uses of Google Ad API?

Ans: Good Ad API is designed for representing large, tech-savvy advertisers and third parties. It allows developers build an application that directly coordinates with Google AdWords server.

With Google Ad API, one can build an application to do following things:

Develop additional applications and tools to manage accounts
Automatically generate landing pages, custom reports, ad text, and generate keywords.
Synchronize AdWors data with your inventory system to manage campaigns on the basis of the stock.

Posted By vipinNovember 24, 2019

Best Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

Digital marketing is  a vast field and the type of digital marketing interview questions you can expect or it can vary on the basis of position type, like a different set of questions for content development and marketing, SEO & SEM, Social media marketing, Brand management or a PR position.

Following are the best digital marketing interview questions and the basics of digital marketing, You should know :

1. What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium.


Digital Marketing is a way to promote a product or brand via one of the electronic media. It includes various techniques like SEM, SEO and link building.

2. What are the types of Digital Marketing?

>Display advertising
>Affiliate marketing
>Search engine marketing
>Search engine optimization
>Referral marketing
>Social media marketing
>Email marketing
>Inbound marketing

3. How can you categorize Digital marketing?

The two segments of digital marketing are

Inbound marketing
Outbound Marketing

4. Define SEO?

SEO-Search engine optimization is the process used to increase the number of visitors to a website. It will improve the way the content is ranked by the search engine which includes Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.

5. What is a keyword in digital marketing? How important is it for SEO?

A keyword is a word that visitor enters into a search engine to find the needed information.

6. List the key area where you can use keywords to optimize the site ranking?

To get better page ranking you must use keywords in following areas

Keywords :

  • In Website URL
  • In Website title
  • In Meta tag
  • In page content
  • In body text
  • In headlines

7. What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing uses social media, webinars or e-letters and digital content in an e-book to increase the number of clicks on links.

8. What is Outbound Marketing?

Outbound marketing includes cold-calls, e-mails, placing ads to reach out to customers through digital media.

9. List the approach for effective Pay Per Click Campaign?

Add More relevant keyword
Improve Click-through Rate (CTR) by splitting Ad groups
Review underperforming keywords
Add negative keywords

10. List top 5 online marketing tools?

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Webmaster tool
  • HootSuite
  • Semrush
  • Moz

11. What is on-page optimization?

On-page optimization deals with the content and structure of the website or a blog.

12. What is off-page optimization?

Off-page, optimization is used to increase your search engine ranking by getting high-quality external links pointing back to it.

13. List the advantages of Digital Marketing?

  • Inexpensive
  • Large audience
  • Easy to measure
  • High conversion rates

14. What is PPC?

Pay per click (PPC) also known as Cost per click. In this technique, the advertiser pays the publisher (website owner) when the ads are clicked.

Now, my personal opinion is to practice a little before trying to any industry. You can either practice with your own blog or website or product or join as an intern with some big firm.

15. Origin of Digital Marketing?

The origin of digital marketing can be traced to 1994 when the first banner ad appeared on the first commercial web magazine, hot wired (now

first banner ad - origin of digital marketing - digital marketing interview questions
First Banner Ad “You Will”

16. What is P-O-E-M Framework?

The P-O-E-M framework is a good framework that helps you organize your digital marketing strategy is Paid, Owned and Earned Media.

Paid media includes sponsored advertisements in different channels of digital marketing such as search engines, websites, facebook, linkedIn, and Twitter.

Owned Media is an asset to the company i.e, the company has the ownership of these media. It includes company’s official website, microsite, and social media pages such as Facebook Page, LinkedIn Page, YouTube channel and Twitter Handle.

Earned Media is organic and unpaid. It includes publicity that generated through recommendations and word of mouth. It also includes social media engagement such as likes, shares, comments, replies, retweets, favorites, etc.

17. Key Points of Digital Marketing Plan

The head of digital marketing is responsible to create a digital marketing plan which outlines the objectives, target audience profile, content strategy, channel strategy, budget, and measurement.

  • Objectives
  • Buyer Personas: Who-What-Why
  • Content
  • Channel
  • Timelines
  • Budget
  • Measurement

18.  What is Concept of Display Advertising?

Display advertising refers to the act of communicating the advertising message using visually rich media. The main objective of display advertising is to build brand image. The first step in building brand image is to create awareness. Display advertising is very powerful in creating awareness as it is a push medium, and hence can be shown on websites with huge traffic to reach maximum users.

19. What are the Mediums of Display Advertising Media?

  • Print Media
  • Television
  • Digital Advertisements include ads served both via mobile and website.

20. What are Unique Users?

Unique users are distinct individual users who have visited a particular website. The number is tracked based on either the cookie ID of the browser or the IP Adress of the device from which a user browses the website.

21. How Cookie Works?

Whenever someone opens a website for the first time, a cookie is stored in the browser of the device they are using, From then on, no matter how many ever times they open the website during a period from the same browser and device, they will not be counted as a new unique user.

However, if they use a different browser on the same device or if they use a different device altogether, again a cookie will be stored in the new browser of the device and they will be counted as unique visitors.

22. What are Page Views?

Whenever an individual visits a new page on a website, it is considered as a page view. The visit may be by a repeat audience or by a first time visitor to the website.

23. What is Ad Impressions?

An ad impression is recorded whenever an ad is displayed on the user’s screen through your website. It is simply the number of times an ad is displayed.

24. What are Clicks?

A click as counted whenever a user clicks on an ad. Upon clicking, It redirects the user to the landing page.

25. What is CTR ( Click Through Rate)?

Click through rate (CTR) is the total number of clicks divided by the total number of impressions. CTR is often expressed as a percentage. Mathematically,

CTR = Clicks/Impressions x 100

26. Types of Display Ads

Display ads can be classified into different types based on two factors, namely size and format.


  • Image Ads
  • Rich Media Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Display Ad Size

  • Medium Rectangle – 350×250 px
  • Large Rectangle – 336x 80 px
  • Leaderboard – 728×90 px
  • Half Page – 300×600 px
  • Large Format Ads – 320×100
  • Skinning/ Takeover Ads

27. What are the Buying Models in Display Advertising?

There are mainly four different pricing models for display ads. The user has to carefully decide which model is most appropriate for him/her based on the campaign goals.

  • Cost per Click -CPC
  • Cost per Milli – CPM
  • Cost per Lead – CPL
  • Cost per Acquisition – CPA

28. What is CPC?

Cost per click is the amount the users are willing to pay for a click on their ads. CPC is used solely to drive traffic to the advertiser’s website. They are comparatively less risky because, as an advertiser, you only must pay when someone clicks on your ad.

29. What is CPM?

Cost per Milli, also known as cost per thousand impressions is the amount the advertiser must pay for every thousand impressions served. The CPM model mainly used for brand building purposes.

30. What is Cost per Lead?

CPL is the amount you pay as an advertiser for acquiring a lead. Lead is an intermediate action before final purchase. It is a micro-conversion, it could be a sign-up, download of a brochure, subscription etc.

31. What is Cost per Acquisition?

CPA is the amount you pay, as an advertiser for acquiring a customer who buys your product or services. It typically means the cost of customer acquisition. The model is mainly used to drive online transaction and is risk-free as you only pay when the user buys.

32. What are the Display Media Plan Aspects?

Marketers should prepare a display media plan which must include the following aspects:

  • Website
  • Section
  • Ad Size
  • Impressions
  • Rate
  • Cost

33. What are the Types of Targeting in Display Advertising?

Reaching to the right audience is extremely important for the success of the display advertising campaign. Following are the 8 types of targeting in display advertising:

  • Contextual Targeting
  • Placement Targeting
  • Remarketing
  • Interest Categories
  • Geographic and language Tagging
  • Demographics
  • Mobile
  • Ad Scheduling & Frequency Capping

34. What Makes a Good Ad?

Good creative is very important for display campaigns. CTR is higher for creative ads. Following are the points to make a creative ad:

Strong CTA: Ad should have a strong call to action.
Include Price: If the price is your advantage.
Aesthetics: Experiment with fonts, images, colors.
Unique Selling Proposition: Communicate one unique benefit strongly.
Show Two Ads with two Offers to the target audience.

35. What Are LSI Keywords?

LSI Keywords are essentially keywords related to the keyword that you search for on search engines such as Google. In short, they are keywords that are related to your main term. They help support your content and give it more context for both the search engines and your users.

36. What is latent semantic indexing used for?

Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is an indexing and retrieval method that uses a mathematical technique called singular value decomposition (SVD) to identify patterns in the relationships between the terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text.

37. What is Latent Semantic Indexing in SEO?

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a mathematical method used to determine the relationship between terms and concepts in content. The contents of a webpage are crawled by a search engine and the most common words and phrases are collated and identified as the keywords for the page.

38. What are DoFollow Links?

By default, all links are dofollow links unless they are modified to be nofollow links manually or are automatically changed by a website setting.

Search engines crawlers follow dofollow links. In other words, they continue to crawl other pages they discover through standard links.

Dofollow links pass along what the SEO community commonly calls “link juice.” Links are a vote for quality.

39. What Are NoFollow Links?

Nofollow links have a bit of code that asks search engines to not crawl them or count them as votes of quality. Sometimes you may not be able to vouch for all links on your website, especially if they are user submitted or links to advertisements.

Best Digital Marketing Consultant

40. What is Robots.txt?

Robots.txt is a file on a website that instructs search engine crawlers which parts of the site should not be accessed by search engine bot programs. Robots.txt is a plain text file but uses special commands and syntax for web crawlers. Though not officially standardized, robots.txt is generally followed by all search engines.

41. What is Sitemap.xml?

A site map (or sitemap) is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for Web design or a Web page that lists the pages on a Web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion.

42. What is Reciprocal Link?

A reciprocal link is an agreement between two webmasters to provide a hyperlink within their own website to each other’s site. Generally, this is done to provide readers with quick access to related sites, or to show a partnership between two sites.

43. What is HASHTAG?

Although hashtags were thought to be popular on Twitter specifically, the use of them also found its way on Facebook. Hashtags are social tools for tagging a particular post that relates to a popular trend or subject. The tag has a pound sign (#) at the beginning which helps marketers or other people to click on them and find the different mentions of the same topic. Commonly discussed topics include a marketing campaign, social movements, and popular events or brands. (How to Use Hashtags in Your Social Media Marketing)

Posted By vipinNovember 24, 2019

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Choose the Best Digital Marketing Expert For Your Business

Vipin Kumar Digital is one of the leading Digital Marketing Expert Noida helping hundreds of businesses to move up the ranking in their marketing procedures. According to the studies and data published by main agencies, it has been practical that more than 80% of users don’t click outside the 1st page on Google Search Results. So, it is very essential for an organization to be on the top of search engine results.

How Vipin Kumar Digital SEO Services Help You to Get Found on Top in Google

Do you evoke the last time you obtained something online? Do you remember how did you find your chosen product which you wanted to buy online? We are definite that most of the time you do make a search on Google or any search engine to appearance out for a product/service. The page that you see, holds a lot of value and a lot of exertions to be there. There might be thousands or millions of businesses on the web who are offering the same product/service you are looking for. Now you will always be expectant some honest suppliers whom you can belief and pay to buy their services and products.

The fight to be on the top is highly strong across the globe to grab the devotion of the potential customers to every business. The process to accomplish this position on any search engine is what we call Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is a process where we try to carry a business/service on top of the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). With SEO (Search Engine Optimization) your business can earn those most expected leads who used to be go to your competitors. Whenever a user who is attentive in your services/products when search online, he/she will get to see your business listed on the top and you get direct calls on your phone number. This way you get honest and top leads for your business.

At Vipin Kumar Digital, the best SEO consultant in Noida offering high value to the business all across the nation. We work for a wide-ranging range of businesses and offer them the best on-page SEO and off-page SEO services to boost the traffic on their website. we are the one who has first introduced the smart digital technologies in the digital marketing space. With our strong industry connections, we have tied-up with some companies in US and UK as well, who believe in our services and have outsourced a lot of digital marketing work to us.

What we do in SEO to boost your business rankings

SEO Friendly Design

Google loves responsive websites to present its users. If your website is not responsive you may be losing out your potential customers. Even the m.— version is phased out by Google.

Content & Image Optimization

Quality content with good quality links and fast loading images is the key to success in SEO. Fast loading pages and no animation will put your website on top priority by Google.

Schema Tags

To create relevant tags that allow search engine bots to locate the most important information on your website.

Quality Link Building

Get the relevant links that bring more relevant traffic to your website. Quality links are always better than the low score bulk links.

Content Writing

Content will always be the king when it comes to SEO. Daily posts and blogs with good quality keywords is the key to top ranking on search engines.

Competitor Analysis

We check what your competitors are doing and create strategies to outrank your competitors’ websites on search engines and other platforms.

Keyword Analysis & Research

Get the best keywords for your business to boost rankings and search engine result pages (SERP). We put the best keywords in your content with the best keyword selection tools.

HTML & XML Sitemap creation

Sitemaps are of great help to search engine bots when they crawl to look out for the best pages that contain the most relevant information for the enquiry made on search engines like Google.

Website Indexing

Your website won’t get noticed without getting it indexed by the search engine bots. We do it every time we create new pages and submit the content to search engines directory for crawling.


SEO is a long-term procedure and is the best cause to makes qualified leads for any business. Generally, it is very problematic for an organization to keep an eye on the daily expenses made on Paid Campaigns on social media and search engines like Google, so to avoid the excess spending most of the organizations choose to go for SEO to boost traffic on the website and lead generation. SEO offers many advantages over other forms of traditional media. With our SEO agency Noida, you can do the following:

Target right customers

Use the right content to attract relevant customers to your website to boost your business
Reach the right audience with the correct use of keywords and content on your website
Use a correct combination of Text and Visual Media to communicate with your audience
Share videos on your website for more engagement
Generate more leads via forms, subscriptions, call now links
Create relevant landing pages with relevant information, urging the readers to take immediate actions
Track the visitors
Understand their search behavior
Learn more about their likes and preferences and much more

Vipin Kumar Digital is not only a Digital Marketing Expert or SEO Consultant Noida, but we are a full-fledged technology company in Noida working on different aspects needed for an organization to grow. Besides strong Digital Marketing experience.
A few ways how Vipin Kumar Digital is different from others.

White Hat SEO

Many of the digital marketing agencies use wrong methods to crop quick results to impress the clients and collect hefty payments in advance to provide better results on other pages of the website as well. But that’s not fair. The reason why we are the best SEO company Noida is that we believe in transparency and inform our clients in the beginning itself on how much average time it will take to rank on the first page of search engine for the keywords under selection.

Read More - Why Hire SEO Services For A Website?

Posted By vipinNovember 17, 2019

Professional Digital Marketing Services in India

Vipin Kumar Digital have a lineup of professional Digital marketers who can support you by providing business branding, visibility, credibility, bring traffic, and more. Digital marketing is the tendency of the times. It is the most powerful mean to promote and brand your organization to target the right audience to gain their interest. With everything going online, from startups to small businesses and the request for digital marketing has increased exponentially. We give you creative and unique work that assistance in creating brand cognizance and it directly impacts on increase in revenue. Digital Marketing comes-up with several online marketing techniques designed at increasing the demand and popularity of a product or service using Digital platforms. Vipin Kumar Digital have highly experienced team of digital marketing experts has a recognized track record of delivering profitable results through innovative digital strategies and tactics in every domain. Our service is highly precise about the online marketing platforms of today’s advertisement world to help you get a firm grip on your potential customer base with persistent understanding and professional skills.

The benefits of digital marketing are:
  • Global reach and boundless promotion
  • Cost effective technique
  • Target ideal buyers and potential clients
  • Best conversion rates
  • Custom tailored and personalized services
  • Gain a competitive edge
  • Highly measurable and profitable results

Our complete digital marketing suite is now at your discarding at the most cheap packages prepared to make your website-sponsored online business more visible, more engaging, and more business worthy.

For More Details Visit: Digital marketing expert in India

Posted By vipinNovember 17, 2019

Best Freelance SEO Services in Hyderabad

If you are looking for best freelance SEO services in Hyderabad, SEO Consultant or SEO expert in Hyderabad then Vipin Kumar Digital is the best option for you. Vipin Kumar Digital is digital marketing & web developer in India that provides best SEO Services in Hyderabad. SEO is used to rank your business website on the first page of search engines for your target keywords. It is the best way to increase the online visibility of your business so that you can target the millions of people for your services & products in Hyderabad. We at Vipin Kumar Digital are a team of Professional SEO Experts who all are having more than 10+ years of experience in Search Engines optimization.

Get Free Price Quotation

We are different from other digital marketing expert of Hyderabad in the term of SEO services. We provide 100% Results oriented & white hat SEO Services in Hyderabad. We do not trust in impertinent back linking & keywords stuffing. We follow the Search engine policies. So, we provide 100% first-page guaranty on Google & other search engines. Contact us at+91- 9625438028 or meet us on skype at Vipin Kumar Digital to get our best SEO Services in Hyderabad.

Best SEO Services in Hyderabad

How is Vipin Kumar Digital Best SEO services than Other SEO Companies in Hyderabad?
He is the center of digital marketing expert that offer the SEO Services in Hyderabad. But Vipin Kumar Digital is different & best from them in the term of SEO Services. We believe in long-term relationships with clients. So, for that purpose, we provide 100% results-oriented services. You will get the 100% ROI (Return on Investment).

And, our SEO services are based on latest algorithm & policies of search engines. We do not use the black Hat SEO techniques like other SEO companies of Hyderabad. We work organically & provide long-term results.

we appreciate that each website has customized needs and adhere to it
we know the importance of preservation your online interests
100% Transparency – you deserve to know how your Online Marketing is executed
Accountability and responsibility – all information is shared with clients through reports
Affordable costs, correct rates & no hidden charges
Best SEO Services in Hyderabad

Benefits for Our SEO Services

Vipin Kumar Digital is only SEO Company in Hyderabad that can provide the best SEO Results within the 45 to 50 days without any spam or black hat SEO Techniques. We can help you to get qualified traffic that is actually interested in buying your product or your services. With the help of our Hyderabad SEO Services, you can get the following benefits.

Get Target Traffic – There are millions of searches on search engines for specified products & services. So, your website rank on the first page of search engines on your target business keywords then you will get the more target traffic for your business.
Qualified leads – If your business website is visible on your target business keywords then definitely you will get more qualified business leads by online. So, with the help of SEO, you can generate business leads.
Increase the Sale – With the help of SEO, your services & products will be reaching millions of people. So, you can increase the sale of your products & services.
Beat Competition – By visible online you can be easily reached of your target audiences & beat your competitor.
Increase Online Visibility – You can increase the online visibility of your brand by visible your products & services online. It is purely a pull marketing strategy for promoting the products or services.
Easy to Reach – With the help of our SEO Services you will be the reach of millions of people for your services & products.
Types of Services Provided by Our SEO Company in Hyderabad
We provide 100% white hat SEO services & follow search engines algorithms. We provide the On page & off page SEO Services which are as mentioned below.

Our on-Page SEO Services

On Page optimization of your website is the main part of SEO.  All major search engines like Google, Yahoo, bing etc give more importance to On Page Optimization. So, On page SEO is the must to get top rank for your target keywords.

Competition & keywords research

  • Niche Audience
  • Daily & Monthly searches
  • Keyword Targeting
  • URL containing keywords
  • Keywords Specific content
  • Fresh Content
  • No Duplication
  • No Keyword Stuffing
  • Keyword Density
  • Rich Content
  • Title tag
  • Meta Description Tag
  • Meta Keyword Tag
  • Heading Tag & Image Tag
  • Bold, Anchor, italic Tag
  • Off Page SEO Services

Off-Page SEO is required for driving more traffic to your blogs, sites. It’s also helpful to getting first page ranking on search engines for target keywords. Off page Optimization includes the following steps for getting consistent and organic traffic: -

  • Search Engine Submissions
  • Press Release Submissions
  • Directory Submissions
  • Article Submissions
  • Sitemap Submissions
  • Bookmarking and Social networking sites.
  • Video Submissions
  • Sitemap Submissions
  • Keywords in anchor text
  • Submit to RSS feed directories.
  • Link Building

seo services in hyderabad

Why is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) & benefits of SEO Services in Hyderabad?
SEO Stand for Search Engine Optimization. It is a process to increase the online visibility of your website on search engines (like Google, Yahoo, bing) on target keywords. It is the online marketing strategy that is employed by the business owners to grow their business online. SEO Services helps in driving traffic towards your website & generates more business leads. In Hyderabad, a number of business companies are taking benefits of SEO services for growing their business online.

In Hyderabad, a number of people search on Google to find the specific services & products in this is the city. So online visibility of your business is the best to approach to target the local population of Hyderabad for your products & services. Vipin Kumar Digital can provide the best SEO Services in Hyderabad to grow your business by online.

Your website will rank on Top at first page of Google other search engines
More Relevant traffic will drive on your website & you will get more business by online
You will be reaching of million people for your services by visible online
Beat the Competitors by visible online
Increase the brand image of your business by our SEO Services

Most Affordable SEO Services in Hyderabad

Vipin Kumar Digital is the hub of SEO Companies that offer the very expensive monthly SEO packages such as 35,000, 40,000. They do not care whether it is small scale business or large-scale business. We at Vipin Kumar Digital have setup reasonable SEO prices that can work with any budget. We provide the 100% result-oriented SEO Services. Check out our SEO pricing plan at below.

Why Choose Vipin Kumar Digital for SEO Services in Hyderabad?

Vipin Kumar Digital is Panchkula-based SEO Company that provides the affordable SEO Services in Hyderabad. We have 6+ experience in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  We have around 40+ Professional top SEO experts in our company who are Google Analytic certify. We use the best strategy and advanced techniques to achieve top results. We will help you to reach your target audience. The other reasons are mentioned as follows

  • First Page Guarantee on Google within the Required time.
  • We work organically & Follow latest Search engines algorithms.
  • No Black Hat or other spam activity on your site.
  • Get 100% positive results & Return on Investment.
  • We have long experience of SEO & have worked on all kind of SEO Projects.
  • We guide the clients that how we can help to grow their business by online.
  • Industries Served by Our SEO Company in Hyderabad

Our experienced SEO experts have served many businesses in Hyderabad as well as all over India which are as mentioned below

We have specific SEO team in Hyderabad who is looking after Astrology business and provide the best SEO services for astrologers.
  • We also provide SEO services for tech support.
  • Educational institutes or coaching institutes.
  • Pharma Companies.
  • Tour and Travel.
  • Hotels and Restaurants.
  • eCommerce.
  • Taxi Agencies.
  • Movers and Packers.
  • Real Estate.

Posted By vipinNovember 17, 2019

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Freelance SEO Service in India

Are you seeking for a freelance SEO service in India? then you're at the right place. On this page I am not just going to field you to hire me. Rank on #1 Page of Google then Hire dedicated SEO Freelancer India.
it has appeared as an increasing industry with huge probable and great tasks. Each company looks forward to receiving a higher ranking on the Search Engine Results Page. Hence, we necessity an SEO expert who can also be a freelancer.

Basically, both SEO freelance and an enthusiastic professional are same. The only variance is in their working. A freelancer is an independent worker but silent delivers the work with a complete dedication. On the other needle, an SEO expert may be working by a company. A freelancer may have a few clients to provide to and on the other hand, a full-time SEO professional may have numerous clients to look after. Their way of working may be the same but the stages of attention on your business may differ. In difference to it, the company working SEO expert may have a usual work pattern and checklist. It will help to display the ultimate traffic that gets abstracted to the website. When should you look for an SEO freelancer? If you have a small time-bound project then it is expedient and cost-effective to hire an SEO Freelancer India. You can guide him with the necessities and the professional may do the needful. The SEO freelancer can also give you an improved number of quality visitors. He may also help you fetch organic traffic and develop backlinks using analytic metrics.

Seo freelancer kinds your website search engine outgoing to get top rankings in major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. I had started this seo freelancing so to create consciousness of internet marketing for small, big and corporate business websites. I also provide seo consulting services to get best rankings in search engine. For newbies business setup we also offer various affordable and cheap seo packages which includes SEO as well as SMO services like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and many more social sites. My main aim is providing the white hat seo services with the organic and natural traffic to your website.
So, if you got any inquiry regarding SEO, SMO or internet marketing services do not hesitate to quote me.

Our Strategy to Optimize the Website

Analysis of your competitor
We do detail analysis of your top competitor and try digging their strategy in depth so that will help your site to get promoted better way

Good Page Rank Backlinks Generation
We offer high PR quality links in order to get your website shortlisted in Search engines for relevant keywords.

Publicize on Social Sites
We help your business to get awareness through various popular social media sites. This in return helps you to attract your byers for you.

On Page Updates
In this we will help you covering all the live updates on the website and ping that updates to Google and other search engines.

Full Report
For report we will share you the Google analytics account so that you too get to see how your website is doing in search engine

Off Page Work
In this process we try pushing your site on search engine without making any changes on live website. This act as an referral traffic to your site.

Affordable SEO Freelancer in  anywhere in India

Posted By vipinNovember 16, 2019