Monday, 29 April 2019

The HTTP Status Codes Cheat Sheet Every Marketer Needs

http status codes cheat sheet for marketers

An HTTP status codes cheat sheet allows you to quickly reference codes, understand what is happening on the backend of a website, determine what errors need to be fixed, and identify ways to optimize the site for improved SEO.
To help you quickly reference the most important HTTP status codes, we created an HTTP error codes PDF for you to download. We also created a guide to supplement the HTTP status codes cheat sheet and help you identify what each HTTP status code means and which we think are most relevant to SEO.

What Are HTTP Status Codes?

HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the standard protocol that defines how messages are formatted and sent across the web. HTTP status codes are sets of numbers that explain what is happening during the transfer process between the client (or the browser) and the server.
The codes are sometimes referred to as browser error codes or internet error codes when they indicate that a website won’t load properly.
You don’t need to know every HTTP status code, but there are important HTTP status codes you must be familiar with to avoid SEO problems. A few of the most common codes are:
  • HTTP status code 404: when a server cannot locate a resource or URL
  • HTTP status code 400: when a server cannot process a request due to invalid syntax
  • HTTP status code 500: when a server can’t fulfill a request and doesn’t have information on the specific problem
Our HTTP status codes cheat sheet lists more than 60 codes, and our guide explains the codes we feel are most relevant to SEO and the status of a website.

Understanding HTTP Status Organization

The value for each HTTP status code is not random. The first number in each code helps categorize the code into a specific situation or problem.
  • 1xx Status Codes: Information Request
  • 2xx Status Codes: Success
  • 3xx Status Codes: Redirection
  • 4xx Status Codes: Client Error
  • 5xx Status Codes: Server Error
Knowing the structure of HTTP status codes helps you quickly understand its general nature. By looking at the first number, you can get an idea about what the code implies. But to help you fully understand each code and the exact situation, we’ve compiled this HTTP status codes cheat sheet.

HTTP Status Codes Cheat Sheet

1xx Status Codes: Information Request

1xx HTTP status codes indicate that a server is processing information and hasn’t fully completed the request yet. Most 1xx status codes are not directly relevant to SEO situations.
  • 100 – Continue: The client request is good and processing.
  • 101 – Switching Protocol: The client requested to change the type of protocol, and the server agreed.
  • 102 – Processing: Processing is taking a longer time than normal.

2xx Status Codes: Success

2xx HTTP status codes show that a request has been completed and the transfer happened as planned. 2xx status codes aren’t incredibly relevant to SEO other than showing that things are working as they should.
  • 200 – OK: The exchange between the client and the server is complete. Everything is set up properly and nothing should negatively impact SEO.
  • 201 – Created: The client created something (such as a new page) successfully on the server.
  • 202 – Accepted: The client requested to create something on the server. It was accepted, but it has not been completed.
  • 203 – Non-Authoritative Information: Information was transmitted, but it was not taken from the primary source.
  • 204 – No Content: The request was received, but there was no data sent to the client.
  • 205 – Reset Content: Similar to 204, the request was received and there was no data sent to the client, but the response also includes a request to update the content.
  • 206 – Partial Content: Only a portion of the header content was sent to the client.
  • 207 – Multi-Status: The server passed the results of several independent operations at once, which are placed in the body of the message as an XML document.

3xx Status Codes: Redirection

3xx HTTP status codes indicate that the client has requested information that is no longer at the provided address. These are often referred to as redirect codes and they are very relevant to marketers because they impact visitor experience and SEO performance.
For example, if a visitor requests content that has moved, sending them to a 404-page is a bad experience. Redirection allows you to send visitors to relevant content that actually exists. Further, it helps search engines understand what content is available on your site and communicates how you want them to crawl and index it. Both of these variables impact your long-term SEO results.

3xx Status Codes Relevant to SEO

  • 301 – Moved Permanently: The request for a resource (or URL) is permanently directed to another resource. You can set up a 301 redirect for a page that is no longer available. This directs the client to another live page rather than an error page, and it also lets search engines know they need to update their index for the page.
  • 302 – Found: This is similar to a 301, but it is a temporary redirect rather than a permanent redirect. It directs clients from the old URL to a new one, but it does not tell search engines to update the index for the page (as a 301 would).
  • 307 – Temporary Redirect: A 307 is more specific than a 302 redirect. The server doesn’t see the request and instead, the browser implements the redirect on its own. It is often used on websites that are served on HTTPS when they are on the HSTS preload list.

Other Important 3xx Status Codes

  • 300 – Multiple Choices: Shows that a resource has been moved and provides a list of available alternatives.
  • 303 – See Other: The requested resource is available on a URL that is different from the one requested.
  • 304 – Not Modified: Client only requests the resource if it hasn’t been changed since the last document cache.
  • 305 – Use Proxy: Access is only possible through the proxy specified in the response.

4xx Status Codes: Client Error

4xx HTTP status codes indicate that a problem has occurred on the client side. A “client” is the browser used to access a website. 4xx status errors show that there is a problem with the browser receiving information from the server.
These codes are generally undesirable for SEO because pages that are not found create a bad experience for visitors. In addition, 404 errors mean there are pages on your site that aren’t driving traffic or generating SEO results.

4xx Status Codes Relevant to SEO

  • 404 – Not Found: The resource or URL no longer exists, and the server cannot return any information. Having 404 errors on a website can negatively impact both SEO and user experience. All 404 pages should use a 301 redirect to send requests for a nonexistent page to a live page.
  • 410 – Gone: The resource or URL no longer exists, and it was intentionally deleted and not redirected. A 410 tells search engines that the page should be removed from the index rather than redirected to another URL.

Other Important 4xx Status Codes

  • 400 – Bad Request: A syntax error is preventing the request from going through.
  • 401 – Unauthorized: Authorization is required to access the requested resource.
  • 403 – Forbidden: The user is trying to access a resource they can’t have access to.
  • 408 – Request Timeout: The transmission timeout by the relay server from the client has expired.
  • 410 – Gone: A resource was previously located on the URL, but it is now gone or unavailable.
  • 429 – Too Many Requests: Client is trying to send too many requests in a short amount of time.

Other 4xx Status Codes

  • 402 – Payment Required
  • 405 – Method Not Allowed
  • 406 – Not Acceptable
  • 407 – Proxy Authentication Required
  • 409 – Conflict
  • 411 – Length Required
  • 412 – Precondition Failed
  • 413 – Request Entity Too Large
  • 414 – Request-URL Too Long
  • 415 – Unsupported Media-Type
  • 416 – Requested Range Not Satisfiable
  • 417 – Expectation Failed
  • 422 – Unprocessable Entity
  • 423 – Locked
  • 424 – Failed Dependency
  • 425 – Unordered Collection
  • 426 – Upgrade Required
  • 428 – Precondition Required
  • 431 – Request Header Fields Too Large
  • 444 – No Response
  • 449 – Retry With (Microsoft)
  • 450 – Blocked by Windows Parental Controls (Microsoft)
  • 451 – Unavailable for Legal Reasons

5xx Status Codes: Server Error

5xx HTTP status codes indicate that something is wrong on the server side of things. The client made a good request, but the server is unable to complete the transfer. When a server produces 5xx errors, it can have a negative impact on SEO (as it may tell search engines to deindex a page), so it’s important to resolve these issues quickly.

5xx Status Codes Relevant to SEO

  • 503 – Service Unavailable: There is a temporary technical issue preventing the server from processing the request. The server tells search engines that there is a deliberate halt in processing. The search engine will not change indexing status the way it would when reading other 5xx errors. If the 503 error persists for a prolonged period, search engines may start to interpret it as a permanent error and eventually de-index the page.

Other Important 5xx Status Codes

  • 500 – Internal Server Error: An error that does not match other class errors.
  • 501 – Not Implemented: The server doesn’t understand or cannot support the request.
  • 502 – Bad Gateway: The server received an invalid message from the upstream server.

Other 5xx Status Codes

  • 504 – Gateway Timeout
  • 505 – HTTP Version Not Supported
  • 506 – Variant Also Negotiates
  • 507 – Insufficient Storage
  • 509 – Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
  • 510 – Not Extended
  • 511 – Network Authentication Required
  • 550 – Permission Denied

Download this HTTP Cheat Sheet PDF

To get the list of all 60+ HTTP codes, download our HTTP status codes cheat sheet and keep it near you for quick reference and identification of all status codes.
http status codes cheat sheet

Find and Fix HTTP Errors on Your Site

Now that you understand HTTP status codes, use these insight to help improve your website. Run an HTTP status checker and find and fix HTTP errors to make your website more appealing to both search engines and users.
To get a good look at the status of HTTP processes on your site, run a technical SEO auditusing Alexa’s Site Audit tool. The report generates a list of existing errors and helps you find redirects, missing pages, and broken link problems you need to fix to meet best practices for SEO.

Tags – SEO Expert in Delhi  || Hire SEO Expert in Delhi  || Best SEO Expert in Delhi  || SEO Freelancer in Delhi || SEO Consultant in Delhi || SEO Specialist in Delhi

Posted By vipinApril 29, 2019

How to Use Google Search To Boost Your Twitter Presence

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Social Media Week is a leading news platform and worldwide conference that curates and shares the best ideas and insights into social media and technology's impact on business, society, and culture.
Google expanded Twitter into desktop search results. This feature was available for mobile devices since May 2015. And now Tweets also appear on Google desktop search results. This update was announced in the official blog of Google and on Social Media accounts of these companies on August 21, 2015.
Now when you’re searching on the computer desktop, Google app or any browser on your phone or tablet, you will see real-time content from Twitter right in the search results. Tweets from companies with active Twitter accounts are showing up in a carousel unit. Here is an example of a search for Social Media Week on Google:
Twitter isn’t required for users to see the tweets; those who click through while not being signed onto Twitter will be taken to the network’s logged out experience. There’s no advertising component to showing Tweets in the organic results.
This update gives businesses, brands and marketers another way in. Every Social Media Marketer wants more exposure for the Twitter account. With certain SEO tactics, you can increase the visibility of a Twitter account in both Twitter and Google search.
Here are 5 techniques to boost your Twitter posts for Google search.

1. Make sure user name and handle match your brand name

Consistent branding across all of your channels (company name, website, Social Media accounts) is your best way to be easily found by your target audience. Your handle is also included in your unique Twitter URL (for example,

2. Optimize your bio, photo and link for SEO

Your profile bio is the place where you describe what your organization is doing, why people should follow you and what kind of the valuable content you share in your tweets. Twitter indexes your bio regularly, so any changes affect your relevancy score in search. You can use maximum 160 characters in your bio section, so try to use them wisely. A successful profile photo (avatar) is:
  • Good quality and high resolution. The size should be 200 x 200 pixels for optimal loading speed.
  • If you are a big brand you use a logo
  • A header photo is an image that represents your brand
Your link is the biggest call to action for your Twitter account. To make it more trackable and user-friendly you can shorten your URL with one of these free shortening services: Google URL Shortener and Bitly Link Shortener.

3. Share a link to your Twitter account on all channels

The more places that link to your Twitter account, the more credible a source it will appear to search engines like Google. And it also gives your account more authority and gets you more traffic and followers. Add your Twitter account link to your blog and all of your Social Media Pages: Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and email newsletters. Submit your Twitter profile to popular Twitter directories, such as and Twitaholic.

4. Insert Google’s markup code to your website

Google gives you an opportunity to embed code in your website to specify your social accounts to include in search results. Add all you active Social Media pages: Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Myspace, and Tumblr.  To do so, take a code from the Google Developers site and drop it onto your website. Take a look how Google’s social profiles are shown in these search results.

5. Use keywords in your Tweets

Create a keyword list with the words that are relevant to your business, keywords that you are using in the metadata of your website. You can also include the names of events that your company is participating in. Use those keywords in your tweets or as hashtags.
Make sure you’re constantly updating the keyword list and testing your content. Twitter analytics is a very good tool to know which keywords and hashtags are working best for your audience. Always monitor your engagement, link clicks and reach, and adjust your future tweets accordingly.
New Twitter Update
Recently, Twitter has increased its 140-character limit in direct messages up to 10,000 characters. If is a very useful update for business accounts.  Marketing, Sales, Customer Service can write detailed messages to their customers in one piece instead of sending multiple DMs.
Do you use Twitter Marketing for your business? Are you coming to Social Media Week on September 14 – 18, 2015 to learn more about Online Marketing? What other tactics do you apply to boost your Twitter posts for Google search? Please share your tips with Social Media Week’s Community in the comments below.

Posted By vipinApril 29, 2019

Are you Looking for Freelance SEO Expert in Delhi?

Are you Looking for Freelance SEO Expert in Delhi?

Freelance SEO Expert in Delhi, Freelance SEO Services Delhi, SEO Freelancer in Noida, SEO Freelancer India, Freelance SEO Projects in Delhi, Freelance SEO Delhi, SEO Expert India, Freelance SEO Consultant India, Digital Marketing Consultant Delhi

Needed to Freelance SEO Expert in Delhi, I am an SEO Freelancer and Search Engine Marketing Expert from Delhi. I support you to take your Brand to the following of the Google Search results using white hat SEO procedures.

I am rough about helping a website progress their online reputation and therefore instigate more traffic to their website and increase online Enquiry.

My name is Vipin Kumar and I am a Freelance SEO Expert from Delhi with more than 10 years of experience serving wealth and small business top the World.

Search engine optimization is help of online marketing which can lead to more appreciated clients to your website. It doesn’t matter whether you are a start-up or global company, if you want traffic from Google, you will Need SEO Expert for your website. Vipin Kumar is one of the Best SEO experts in Delhi. My organic and white hat SEO procedures provide the best results. I am a Freelance SEO Expert in Delhi. I have a wide acquaintance of Online marketing how search engines work and can help your Brand to get top 10 ranking on search engines in minimum time.

SEO (Search engine optimization) 

When it comes to placing, everybody knows that organic SEO is the key to get traffic for the very low cost. In instance, Search engine optimization Experts are categorically dynamic to your search engine marketing success. As a result, every Client wish to have the top search engine ranking for their targeted keywords. Freelance SEO Expert Delhi page Guide a confirm SEO knowledge for “How to Boost Your Website Ranking by SEO” that should allow you to Boost your website firstly and completely.

PPC (Pay Per Click)

Although SEO kinds visitors, it is not “immediate.” Make use of Online promotion programs such as PPC, visitors can be collected in a matter of days instead of months. As a result, every field should have a Pay Per Click program for their focused keywords. Freelance PPC Expert Delhi page Guide a confirm Pay Per Click technology that should allow you to increase visitors to your website firstly and effectively. I converse the complete Pay Per Click method on this page and give a whole step-by-step description of their use. similarly, My Freelance SEO Expert page clarifies techniques that we can help you with complex Online promotion projects.

Website Analytics

Website Analytics is challenging to Boost the determinable results of any website promotion Strategy. You need to See where visitors come from, where they go, and more prominently, the coming again on their investment (ROI) or you are clearly Lose your money. The matter is that there are a great many Analytics tools on the Internet, and hardly any really give efficient advice on how to use the data to reach your Online Marketing Goals.

SMO (Social Media Marketing)

SMO is one of the Best Web’s growing part, in conditions of time consumed and remarkable engaged on different Social Media sites. SMO is also the most Joint Online Marketing field, allowing visitors to comment, share and generate upon conversations, ideas and media. For businesses, that means SMO is a medium that can’t be overlooked. Each social Networking platform provides users and businesses unique advantages of joining depending on the medium common usage, joining and advertising or advertising opportunities. A well-designed SMO planning analyses that social networking stage that offer the best return on investment for an exact, whether by Network building, labelling and clarity, or ad-driven website visits or Enquiries. Additionally, Social Media Marketing is used to monitor a Brand online market position.

Posted By vipinApril 29, 2019

Friday, 26 April 2019

SEO Services for Travel

If you are in the search of noticing and traveling online in instruction to enhancement your sales and output, there is no improved enhancement than SEO. Search Engine Optimization, plays an energetic role in your business progress if your business trusts on online booking. While PPC advertisements already are doing well for your business, boosting your marketing exertions through SEO would only prove to be a glazing over slab. If done correctly, SEO could help you govern the first page of the SERPs, thus generous you the way to make the maximum leads.

Internet marketing is perchance the most important and actual form of advertising for any business in the travel sector (such as travel agents, hotels, holiday rental agencies, can rental agencies, etc.), and the truths back this up. For instance, it has been established that over 38% of travel planning is done online internationally, and this number is traditional to dual over the next period. At a traditional estimate, this means the online travel commercial would be worth a mind boggling $250 billion in the U.S. alone - let alone the relaxation of the world. And a correctly thought out and well implemented SEO strategy is an absolute must to make the most out a travel business's web occurrence.

At Vipin Kumar, we have been providing dedicated travel SEO services for over 10+ years now. We likely to bring your travel website to the top of organic search results for your chosen keywords. Our experienced SEO services for travel agents’ team will make sure that you experience an increase in traffic to your site, and will efficiently market your services online to your target audience and geographic region.

At Vipin Kumar, we recognize that old SEO trick are not enough when it comes to travel websites search engine optimization. Improvements in search engine technology have enabled users to enter in enormously specific queries such as "budget hotels Madrid" and receive localized results based upon that query. Location specific queries require more specific techniques/knowledge than general SEO, and we are experienced at these. Our travel SEO services will "leapfrog" you ahead of your competitors who might be still using outdated SEO strategies along with other and less effective forms of advertising.

To find out how we can work together in improving the rank of your travel booking website organically for your travel business, get in touch with us here.

Posted By vipinApril 26, 2019

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Social Media Expert India | SMO Company in Delhi

Social Media Marketing Expert in India: Presence the best Social Media Company in Delhi, The Vipin Kumar uses the pro-quality social media content to yield impact negotiations between you and your customers. From thumping up numerous likes to conduct the goal spectators on every social media platform including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, we goal to cover all your social media wants at our best.

Continuously looking advancing to carrying out the top results, we benefit the enthusiastic Social Media Services in Delhi for all the growing start-ups and firms. Our team of specialist’s emphasis strapping on inspiration and that it always comes up with out-of-the-box ideas and high impact graphics for its reliable customers.

From Digital Spread to Cross Channel Promotion, everything is Assisted in One Plate Here!
If you are done with the era of content bombardment and ended up being here, then you must have finally met something which will change your digital life completely. As a leading Social Media Company in Delhi, we believe in taking along optimization with every aspect required in full-fledged SMO. Social Media Optimization aka SMO, indeed helps you take your clutter-breaking social media campaigns to the next level and that your offline reliability becomes more impact-full.

YouTube Promotions
If everybody knows about the most protruding video platform or may be the main social media platform, it is YouTube which suddenly hits the mind. With the best stage to share messages and videos through statements and characteristics, The Vipin Kumar helps you tempt the target customers and make-up their attentions to buy your goods and services in the real-time.

Facebook Promotions
Your first social love aka Facebook is everything in herself when it comes to Social Media Optimization. By calculation more and more likes and actions, we assistance your business grows and become the most renowned by Facebook Page in no time. We trust that your business products and services to promote between the groups demand a platform like Facebook which is definitely the most used social media platform.

Instagram Inspiration and Promotions
Instagram presence a protruding social platform to share business’ products and services, has the extreme quality audience which can help your business pursue the apex. At The Vipin Kumar, you can belief that your harvests and services are encouraged by the real-time influences and that your page is in the news feed of everybody’s Instagram.

Twitter Promotions
Mini-blogging site alias Twitter is the best place to promote your business and services when you look forward to attractive with the admired audience. To compete with your competitors, it is Twitter promotions what you need to promote your business to its best. And our Social Media Services in Delhi is all for creation your brand identifiable like no one.

Why Choose Us as Your SMO Expert in Delhi?

Rising SMO Service: With up-to-date and protruding services, we assurance you the best SMO for your brand.

Professional Team: Our professionals only aim to work for making your brand familiar in the real-time.

Considerate to the Core: We believe in sympathetic the customers’ requirements and then captivating forward the promotions.

Accepted Plans: With our proven SMO tactics, your business runs on the fastest wheels on Social Media.

Posted By vipinApril 23, 2019

SEO Expert in Bangalore | SEO Company in Bangalore

Quality SEO Services with the best SEO Expert in Bangalore.

SEO Company in Bangalore: Presence a start-up or a small company, it is motivating to growth in the pitch of a strongly modest digital field. To increase in such a field, accepting the SEO services for your company is the seamless and perfect choice. In such situations, The Vipin Kumar will provide the best and the most dressed services, which will help your company to growth in the rankings of SEO to an excellence range. The group of specialists in our company makes us the SEO expert in Bangalore. With the superiority quantity of knowledge and skills offered by our experts, we can guarantee the regulars to become value SEO services.

From SEO Services to Customer Satisfaction
We anticipate to provide the final SEO services to the customers so that, we can attain full customer satisfaction. This is the important belief followed by us. Though, to achieve this attitude, our experts perform their responsibilities to the full amount. Some of the elementary belongings followed by our company are as follows:

With a broad and in-depth investigation, our experts carefully inspect the flaws which limit the website from getting promoted in the list.

Our experts also do a contrast of the website with opposing websites for better and improved features.
The SEO experts of The Vipin Kumar gears quality and recognized procedures for increasing the traffic in the client’s websites.

All these tactic applications help the websites a lot to gain better and encouraged ranks in the SEO lists. Apart from the tactics, our company also preserves certain standards in the websites to avail and improve the brand awareness of the companies of the clients. All these services along with the SEO services brand us the best SEO Company in Bangalore. Also, SEO discussion authorities are also contemporary in our company for improvement in the website SEO services. A protruding kind of arrogance from all sides concerning the services results in improving up the company standing and rankings to a superiority extent.

Why Should One Choose Us Over Others?
Existence one of the SEO Companies, the clients could effortlessly trust upon us for SEO services. The numerous packages created and industrialized by our SEO experts are on the origin of the different techniques in the field of Search Engine Optimization. Also, the team of our experienced professionals’ apparatuses the strategies appropriately for better and exceptional results in the websites. Apart from all these services, The Vipin Kumar also give our full amount to support our clients in every possible way concerning the SEO services. Also, customer reviews are also examined carefully so that, the websites could be appropriately developed.

All these kinds of services availed by our company make us on the slope of best SEO Services in Bangalore. Selecting our company for the SEO services could help you to improvement up the rankings of your company standing and rankings to a quality extent.

Posted By vipinApril 23, 2019

SEO Expert in Chandigarh | SEO Company in Chandigarh

Benefit the Best SEO Services with the top SEO Expert in Chandigarh.

SEO Company in Chandigarh, Punjab: In this threatening digital marketing world, the start-up and the other small companies are opposite a portion of tasks and hitches to rise in the field. So, it is fairly energetic for the start-ups to make use of digital methods and procedures like SEO services to increase in this forcefully tough field. In the case of the digital services like SEO, the start-ups and the other companies could often take assistance of The Vipin Kumar. With an experienced workforce, our services tend to appeal a lot of embattled users towards the services. For this motive, we are frequently mentioned to as the best SEO Expert in Chandigarh. These SEO services are fairly useful in directing and enticing the users and customers towards the numerous kinds of services.

Advanced SEO Techniques for Better Results

Pointless to say, that, to growth in any cheap fields, one should think out of the box. We follow the same rational in terms of SEO services. This fact brands us the top SEO Company in Chandigarh. Our SEO experts accompany newer and advanced techniques to reach better and quality results. Some of the advanced methods applied are as follows:

Improving the company websites with Google is an actual way of receiving quality SEO rankings in this tough digital field. Our practiced SEO experts make use of practices like Click rates etc. for efficiently attractive the process of optimization.

The research of the numerous keywords by our skilled and proficient SEO experts helps our clients to endorse their company websites in the SEO ranking lists.

Availing advanced and unique AdWords for the Description and Title drives is a important strategy which is used by our SEO experts for better raise of the company websites in the SEO lists.

Why Choose Us as your SEO Expert?

One can belief our company over the others in terms of the SEO services we brand use of confirmed and consistent SEO tactics for attaining the best consequences in terms of the SEO rankings for the company. The specialized team of SEO specialists’ brands use of the best and the most projecting strategies for providing the best SEO services in Chandigarh. Our actual work-force goes subterranean into the foods of the company websites and the customers so that, the customers and the customers could be content with the results. All these features of The Vipin Kumar & Company caring it in the list of top SEO service providers of Chandigarh.

Furthermore, the packages for the numerous SEO services along with the linked structures of services are relatively much lower than the opposing SEO service providers. Also, the fast up-gradation of the websites in frequent periods helps the company websites to maintain the rankings. So, choosing the vipin kumar for SEO Services is the perfect way of ahead standing and success in terms of the positions and revenue rates.

Posted By vipinApril 23, 2019

Website Redesign Services Without losing SEO | Website Redesign SEO Checklist 2019

How to Website Redesign without losing SEO?
Web redesigns are a great technique to improve the application of any website and keep it current with the times. In the fast-paced online professional world, we could all do well by having the modern website that offers a far improved user experience to clients than our competitors.

Still, if you drop out on business because your web redesign abolishes your previous SEO work, then it is not lucrative at all. If you have to restructure your SEO from scratch, then the redesign could even be tragic.

To help you duck these problems, get a cutting-edge website and silent remember your previous SEO work, we have collected a list of the most significant factors to think of when you go for a web redesign. Here they are.

The Main SEO Ranking Factors 2019 to Contemplate When Going for a Web Redesign

1. Get a Web Crawl Going on the Current Website

The crawl is fundamentally to help you get a good hold on your website’s structure. Your SEO has facilitated create a quality network of web pages and content to carry the SEO value it grips. If you disrespect the structure and obstacle into the redesign, then you will mislay out on all that hard work. Get a crawl going and wait to strategy your redesign until you get the results and have measured them suitably.

2. Get a Website Audit Done

A website review will tell you all that is best things about your website and what search engines like about it. It is authoritative that you recall these parts to keep your current ranking. There are loads of things taken explanation of in the audit and you should get it done by an SEO expert for best results.

3. Variety Definite Your New Website Isn’t Indexed When Under Development

Then a lot of your SEO will be based on your content, you maybe need to retain the old bits on the new website. Before you do that, make sure your website is not indexed by Google. We say so since if it is and the gratified is the same, then the new website will be down hierarchical for having duplicate content. And we do not want that! Get your website non-indexed finished the CMS before making any gratified additions.

4. Make a Relative Crawl

Beforehand you officiate your new website, have it crawled for evaluation’s sake with your old one. This will tell you all the belongings you got right and all the things that should get truer. Again, let the aces do the work and help you get the valuation correct. Once you have done that, contrivance all the necessary changes and re-crawl it. Keep recapping this process until your new website has the same or better SEO rank as the old one.

5. The Additional Factors
The steps overhead will take care of the big strokes. But you also essential to take care of the finer details. Things like content, analytics, site blocking will all come composed to give you the web rank value you demand to have. So, guarantee these are looked after and modified before you officially presentation the portal.

Where Can You Get the Best SEO-Optimized Web Redesign Services?

SEO Expert in Delhi, Vipin Kumar and team is a leading web redesign service provider with an enormous network of clients and traitors across landmasses. We offer the best web redesign services in the marketplace and are frequently involved to help new clients refresh their online presence. Contact us today to get a quality SEO-optimized redesigned website!

We have website developer and designer professionals with more than 10 years of industry experience. We have worked with many projecting web development and digital marketing companies over the years. We have wide knowledge of the newest market tendencies and an ability to predict the technological progressions on the prospect. This makes him an commanding voice in the market and also advances his views much integrity.

Posted By vipinApril 23, 2019

Monday, 22 April 2019

SEO Expert in Mumbai | SEO Company in Mumbai

Choose the best SEO Company in Mumbai for your business website.
A company must be steadied with the digital procedures to rise in the e-business fields. SEO is one of the critical forms of digital methods for equine the ladder of success. The Vipin Kumar & Group would promotion your company in horsey this inflexible hierarchy with much ease. This facet of our company reformed our company as the top SEO Experts in Mumbai. With a group of professional and able SEO experts, the company standings and the rankings would be upgraded with much ease.

SEO Services with a Drop of Reputation
It is not always the ranking, but also the company standing that matters. It is one of the most serious facets of swap and businesses. For this reason, the effective and experienced SEO Experts contrivance certain SEO standards and procedures to upgrade the standings along with rankings. Some of the basic principles useful by our company for special results in standings of SEO are as follows:

On-Site Optimization is one of the primary tactics executed by our experts to update the websites.
Attractive the relatives of the websites with social platforms helps the company websites to realize more traffic and attract more users.
The Algorithms of the websites are frequently updated, so that, the company websites could contend with the rival companies.
All these critical techniques and tactics are executed seriously and tediously to circumvent any kinds of faults in the websites. This kind of devotion by our qualified and specialized SEO experts makes The Vipin Kumar & Group the top SEO Company in Mumbai. Not only the services, but customer care and relations are also an energetic aspect for our company, and we implement it tediously. We provide support to the clients in every thinkable manner for the growth of the websites and promoting them for ranking drives. Co-operation of our experts with the clients and sympathetic their requirements is our main measures, and we perform it in a quality manner.

Why Choose Us as Your SEO Expert in Mumbai?
We provide the best SEO services in Mumbai with the support of our experienced and skilled SEO experts. Moreover, the outclassed quality of customer care relationships improves our standing over the other SEO service providing companies. Also, the optimization services offered by The Vipin Kumar are unique and certifiable. Thus, the clients would be able to witness rapid growth and promotion in their standing and the rankings of their websites. All these strong factors and aspects make us on the list of the top SEO Company in India.

Also, the packages developed by our company are rather reasonable in comparison to that of the other competing SEO service providing companies. Choosing our company over the other companies in Mumbai will help your company to gain moments benefits and promotions in the rankings from the services offered by us.

Posted By vipinApril 22, 2019